Dr. Megan Allen

For parents looking for ways to build executive function at home, keep checking out our blog. Over the coming weeks, I will be offering pointers on how to promote KB’s A.M.P.E.D philosophy into your child’s e-learning.

Before jumping to A.M.P.E.D U.P I wanted to start by highlighting self-monitoring.

Self-monitoring is a strategy that we use to keep track of how our actions influence performance on a task. As adults we continually, and most times subconsciously, check in with ourselves to assess whether or not we need to make adjustments during a task. Children need our help to hone these skills to improve performance in school, sports, and social situations. Children who struggle with self-monitoring may not recognize errors after checking their work on tests or understand directions, which prevents them from asking for help when it’s needed most.

The benefits of self-monitoring for all student is well documented.

Below are a couple of pointers to help you enhance self-monitoring skills in your child.

Target ages: 3-5 years old

Activity: Ask your child to describe his or her emotions after a positive experience. Encourage him or her to provide more than one word answers. Introduce new words that will help your child express him or herself more accurately.

Target ages: 6-10 years old

Activity: Have your child visualize future success by drawing on experiences from previous failures. The goal of this exercise is to guide your child to use knowledge of previous failures to inform how to change future behavior to promote successful outcomes.

A child who self-monitors can deploy A.M.P.E.D.U.P. strategies as needed.  Stay tuned to our blog detailing ways to build on each aspect of A.M.P.E.D.U.P. at home.

Below are other links relation to self-monitoring

Page 4: Self-Monitoring



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