Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What ages do you cater to?
    • We currently provide our service to children ages 5-10 years old
  2. When is K.B. Gymnasium in operation?
    • We are running a pop-up in Brooklyn on Sundays from 10 am-4:30 pm. We encourage you to select a class that suits your time frame.
  3. What should I expect when I arrive at K.B. Gymnasium?
    • Every detail of K.B. Gymnasium is geared towards the implementation of A.M.P.E.D.U.P. philosophy.
      • Upon arrival, K.B. Kids are greeted by a staff member and directed to their assigned Brain Coach. Parents can enjoy themselves in the parent room.
      • Each session begins with a mindfulness activity, then coaches will give the instructions for the session’s activities. Then the fun begins!
      • During the session, K.B. Kids will play pre-selected games, focused on a set of A.M.P.E.D.U.P. principles.  This time is buzzing with productivity, learning and fun.
      • All sessions end with a closing huddle and clean up.
      • While K.B. Kids are Amping UP, their parents can enjoy wi-fi, snacks, games, books, and magazines.
  4. What is a typical class like?
    • A typical class is 50 minutes. The Brain Coach will bring K.B. Kids through a mindfulness exercise, explain the rules, place K.B. Kids on teams and then have them play.  To ensure all K.B. Kids are challenged, midway through the class Brain Coaches will insert a new challenge or strategy to take the game up a notch.  The game ends with an individual reflection and cleanup.
  5. Who are the teachers?
    • Our Brain Coaches are the heart of K.B. Gymnasium!  They are selected based on their passion for children, games, and learning.  All of our Brain Coaches are engaging and supportive, which in turn guarantees that all K.B. Kids have a great time as they exercise their brains!
  6. What are executive functions?
    • We love the definition offered by the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard:  executive functions are “the mental processes that enable us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully. Just as an air traffic control system at a busy airport safely manages the arrivals and departures of many aircraft on multiple runways, the brain needs this skill set to filter distractions, prioritize tasks, set and achieve goals, and control impulses.”
  7. How do you choose the games?
    • This is simple, we choose games that are fun and that develop executive functions.  Guided by our A.M.P.E.D.U.P. philosophy, we find new and old games guaranteed to flex brain muscles.
  8. Can I stay?
    • Yes! 😊  Parents can stay, parents should stay.  We offer a Parent Lounge where moms and dads can take a minute while their children play and learn.  Equipped with healthy snacks, drinks, wifi, games and reading material, we hope to create a place for parents to engage with the community, relax and breathe.
  9. What type of games are used in the program?
    • K.B. Gym uses a variety of games like Connect 4, chess and tangram puzzles as the basis for our brain work.  Our skilled Brain Coaches work to give K.B. Kids strategies and challenges to make sure each game is A.M.P.E.D.U.P.!  The result is fun, purposeful learning.